
GEANT Simulations of DRAGON and the 12C(12C, γ)24Mg Reaction



GEANT simulations of DRAGON and the radiative capture 12C(12C,γ) reaction were performed to understand the acceptance efficiencies and BGO response. Significant changes to both the real DRAGON and the simulated DRAGON had to be made: target cell changes for the solid target experiments, and collimator and pumping tube changes for better recoil detection. A new HBOOK ntuple, GAMMAHIT, was added to existing DRAGON simulations for more detailed analysis. Recoil acceptance was calculated to be 42.8% and 8.6% for cascade decays of two 10 MeV gammas and single decays of one 20 MeV gamma, respectively. Differentiating between the two decay paths will be possible with the BGO detector array.

Author: Slater, J.