New DSSSD mount and cooling system
A new DSSSD mount has been installed at the end of DRAGON. The mount includes a liquid cooled cold plate which can cool DSSSDs to to temperatures as low as -10◦C. This report describes motivation for the new DSSSD mount, and its design and operation with a recirculating liquid chiller. A thorough introduction to the DRAGON DSSSD system in general can be found in [1].
Investigation of Relationships Among Beam Tuning Magnets MB0, MB1, XCB2-6
A requirement of DRAGON experiments is to get a beam of particles to hit a target at the right position and at the right angle. The beam particles react with the target, producing new particles, “recoils,” that travel in the same average direction as the impinging beam, but cover a much broader range of angles. These recoils are detected when they hit a silicon detector some distance from the target. It is necessary to have the beam of particles interact with the target at the right position and angle to maximize the number of recoils detected. To ensure maximum detection, magnetic fields in the High Energy Beam Transport line (HEBT2) are used to tune the beam, that is adjusting the path of the beam to ensure proper position and angle at the DRAGON target. An inherent problem is that there is no established method to tuning; it is a fancy way of fumbling with knobs until the operator gives the experimenter what he wants. By investigating the relationship among 5 critical magnets we hoped an easier, reproducible method to tuning the beam may be found, thereby decreasing time lost in the experiment, and making life easier for the operators.
The DRAGON Facility: Status, Commissioning and Science in 2001
In the twelve months since the last EEC meeting, the DRAGON facility has essentially become operational and a physics program has started. Following a program of commissioning studies and achieving several milestones, E584 received a 21Na radioactive beam and observed reaction products at the final focus in a commissioning run. A brief overview of the activities with emphasis on milestones since December, 2000 are provided below.
Nuclear Astrophysics at ISAC with DRAGON: The DRAGON Facility - Status Report
This brief report provides a summary of the status of the DRAGON facility including activities in 2002 and near term plans for the facility. A summary of results obtained from E824 will also be given. In addition beam time is requested for E811 and E805, which could not run in 2002 because of the unavailability of the ISAC ECR source.
Nuclear Astrophysics with DRAGON and TUDA at ISAC
Astrophysics with a DRAGON at ISAC
A new facility, DRAGON, designed specifically to measure radiative proton and alpha capture reaction rates involving radioactive reactants is being installed at the new ISAC accelerated radioactive beams facility. A description of the planned experimental program, specifications of the components, status of the installation (as of March 2000), and the planned schedule is provided in this report. Further, details on the gas target, the electrostatic dipole system and the detection system are also provided.
Nuclear Astrophysics at ISAC with DRAGON, The DRAGON Facility: Installation Status, Commissioning Plans and Beam Time Requests
This brief report provides a summary of the status of the construction, installation and planned commissioning of the DRAGON facility. A brief summary of the first planned experiments, E824 [Measurement of the.... rate of the 21Na(p,γ)22Mg reaction], E811 [,γ)20Na reaction] and a new proposal, a study of the 20Na(p,γ)21Mg reaction, is also included. Additional beam shifts are requested for E824.